Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Bell's Palsy email update to my colleagues at work on 8/8/19

From: Susan Smith
Sent: Thursday, August 08, 2019 3:34 PM


I’ve been gone from work for 8.5 weeks now and I really, really want to return.  I miss working so much.  The question remains though as to when I will be ready and the answer is still the same.  “I don’t know.”  I would not be able to do the job yet as I am still struggling with this Bell’s Palsy.  It seems I got/have a really bad case of it.  I am now very medicated taking many pills a day of different medicines.

I want to thank you both for being a journal of sorts for me with this experience.  It just came to be that this Bell’s Palsy is a sever and long case, so my weekly updates are now many and I’m grateful you two involuntarily have been the recipients of my emails. 

This past week has been very up and down with two bad days on Sunday and Tuesday.  I had so much pain on Tuesday I did not get out of bed except to go to my general doctor for the 4th time.  My back left skull, left ear and left neck still hurt and they were killing me on Tuesday.  The doctor said my left ear looks normal and that he does not know why I have so much pain and why the pain is lasting so long.  That was hard to hear as he’s the 4th health care professional who has told me that Bell’s Palsy normally does not cause so much pain nor for so long, so that leaves me wondering if I have something else going on and that’s scary, confusing and frustrating.  He did more bloodwork and is testing me for a long list of random things, so I’m waiting on those results.  He told me to increase the Gabapenton, the pain medication, sigh.  He recommended I got to an ENT dr, but the dr he recommended I go see is out-of-network and we have 0 out-of-network benefits. 

Then, the orthopedist I saw 2 weeks ago recommended the MRI of my neck and my insurance has denied it 2 times, so I’m waiting for the dr to do a peer-to-peer review. 

Mary from our team came over on Sunday night for a quick visit with two meals that included salads & desserts, so that was amazingly delicious.  That was so nice and generous of her.

People would not know I have Bell’s Palsy just by looking at me now because I have almost normal facial movement.  My left eye is still not normal, but I can now smile and show my teeth. 

I’m trying to process the trauma of the day I “got” Bell’s Palsy.   The left ear pain, feeling the spasm behind my left ear while driving, my left face going numb and becoming paralyzed, Jimmy driving an hour in the mountains to an ER at a small hospital, getting a diagnosis of an illness I’ve never heard of and all that has happened since… has all been very hard. 

Dare to Lead by Brene is a great book and I’m enjoying her authenticity.  I’m coming to understand vulnerability and like her definition of when we put ourselves out there not knowing what will happen.  Gosh, that’s how I feel with these emails to you guys.  I just read the part about curiosity and thought so much of our Discover Calls.  I recently read the part when she got a concussion and related immensely as she described how hard it was to be forced to take a break from work for some self-care due to a medical thing that’s out of our control.  In the empathy section, she describes emotional literacy as being able to name 30 emotions that a person feels and I was able to name 12.  I really like the section about confidence and related her explanation of practicing foundational skills in order to become an expert to be spot on for my job as an EC. 

Monday is my 38th birthday and Fall B.  My boys start school next Friday the 16th.  It’s an important week and I am hoping with all my might that I have a good week so I can return to work soon.  I repeat, I want to return to work so much.  I am so eager to attend the Stand-Ups again because those informal times together are so professionally intimate that many positive emotions result. 

Thank you for being colleagues who I can trust with these reflection emails and I sure hope to see you both… soon.



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