Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The most fun yet

An overview list will not do justice, but it hopefully will give an idea of all of the experiences that we have learned from lately.

-Denver's Museum of Nature and Science

-IMAX on Greece

-Bikeride up Waterton Canyon with my dad

-Camping with Intercambio (40 people)

-Indian Peaks Wilderness (huge mountains, beautiful lakes, gorgeous flowers)

-Red Rocks Amputheater

-Water Skiing with Angela Magnotta's family (and tubbing) {THE MOST FUN!]

-Columbine High School

-106 degree weather


-Salmon dinner

-Denver's 16th Street Pedestrian Mall

And so much more. Jimmy and I are doing so much and having so much fun! It is so wonderful to live out my dream of showing him my home and introducing him to my "people." And there is so much more left to do....

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