Thursday, April 27, 2006

Good Bye Students

Dearest Students, Friends,

Here we all find ourselves in a time of transition. All times of change are important parts in our process of development, just as significant as the actual highlights or downlights of life. Transformation is often accompanied by difficult emotions and challenging reflection, which is necessary in our growth process.

I remember when you all came to Costa Rica nine months ago and we did a quick name game on the top floor of the hotel in Heredia. Remember? Or even the name game we did at the Inn-Gathering at that beautiful park in January. Remember? I know that remembering all of the experiences in the past year brings a feeling of melancholy, and it is good to reflect upon them before they settle into the memory of “your year/semester in Costa Rica.”

This past year has been a progressive sequence that unfolded with an inherent harmony and intelligence. Everything along our personal path developed into the perfect place in a special way, so that we could be the young people we are right now. What!?! I mean to say, that I believe every experience happened for a reason and we learned from each moment.

Being that my job position was new this year, I was constantly in the process of developing my “job description.” I truly believe that an important and challenging part of my job is trying to help the students on an individual level. I thank all of you that confided in me with your personal emotions, experiences, problems and histories. I often felt you all pushed me beyond my limits of psychology, my knowledge of Spanish, my understanding of culture and my abilities of friendship. I learned from all of you that I want to help people. I enjoy inspiring people. I appreciate the lessons you all gave me where I realized I do have a purpose for Friends World professionally, and also how I can be a cross-cultural example for you all as my friends.

My first year as a translator, practicing through experiential learning, was extremely intricate for me because I constantly felt challenged by the subjects and the two languages. I will simply say that there is more than one way to translate “un SeƱor Delgado.”

To conclude this year and semester with you all makes me feel sadness, because I now have to say goodbye to 40 friends. Will we see each other again? Well, you are all a light and will continue to burn inside of my mind, and you all will always inspire my contributions towards social change. Life requires that we cultivate an awareness that links each action to the next, one breath at a time, so please make sure to always breathe during each posture, series and transition.

It is true that LES QUIERO MUCHO.

With so much energy,

Your Translator, Your Academic Assistant, Your Yoga Teacher and Your Friend,

SusanA Elizabeth Smith

PS, please let me know if you are ever in Colorado….

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