Friday, October 11, 2019

Email to colleagues at work about Ramsay Hunt Syndrome - 18 weeks

From: Susan
Sent: Friday, October 11, 2019 4:40 PM
Subject: 18 weeks 10.12.19


Tomorrow marks 18 weeks since I went to the ER.  I’ve been sick for four months. 

This week, I watched a documentary about Franklin Roosevelt.  He got infantile polio when he was 38 years old.  I’m 38.  For days, no one knew what was wrong with him.  He became paralyzed and never used his legs again.  His doctor told him that there was a storm in his body and his body was what was left after the storm.  I relate.  It also hit home how destructive viruses can be in our bodies and that we have no control over them.  Viruses are so scary. 

I went to the neurologist’s office today for the 3rd time and had a negative experience.  I saw the nurse practitioner this time and she had never heard of Ramsay Hunt Syndrome.  She was unable to answer any of my questions.  She did not provide me with any new information.  She had no idea how to help me.  She stumbled through answering my questions and repeated basic information in her efforts to seem like she knew what she was talking about, but it was very obvious that she had no idea about RHS.  It was frustrating for me and surely embarrassing for her.  I left the office feeling upset and so I called the office to leave a VM with the office manager, so she could figure out why the neurologist had me meet with someone who was unprepared to help a patient with a very rare illness.  I’m supposed to go back in 6 weeks.  All the nurse practitioner did was double my medicine, but w/o any instructions about tapering up. 

I’ve been wondering if I should seek a second opinion, but it’s so hard to get in with a neurologist. 

The pharmaceutical industry is more than I can comprehend.  All these pills I am taking astounds me.  All these chemicals is extreme. 

Because of my left eye pain and blurriness, I’ve gone to see an eye doctor 3x in the past few weeks.  She found the inside of my left eye to be inflamed and so my eyeball is swollen.  My vision is 20/25 in the left eye, so she’s had me on steroid eye drops and said I may need glasses if my eye does not self-correct.  She too had never heard of RHS.

I’ve yet to find anyone who’s heard of RHS. 

I’m still having a hard time accepting I have RHS.  I am really starting to think I don’t have it.  But, what else could I have?  I don’t know. 

I just don’t understand what is happening to me. 

I’ve been going to yoga and it helps me. 

I met a guy who works in health care.  He told me that he recently went to a conference about the nervous system.  He said over and over, “Nervous system illnesses take a long time to heal.”  A long time. 

Our nerves are what physically feel for us.  When our nerves get sick, they hurt worse than a muscle or bone.  When nerves are damaged, they take longer to heal than a muscle or bone.  The nervous system is so complicated.  Nerves are so complicated. 

I received my first disability check.  I’m grateful we have that benefit as well as Jimmy & I are debt-free and have emergency savings.  When the disability says 66%, it ends up being 32% after taxes and having to pay for our insurance premiums. 

My FMLA runs out on 10/25.  I’m thinking about that date a lot.  I already know I will not be ready to return.  I do not want to lose my job.  I don’t want you guys to let me go.  I want to come back to my job.  I want to return as an EC.  I kindly ask you to have faith in me that I will get better and be able to do my job again at Global.  Maybe after the New Year…

I feel I have not had much grace in these emails and I am sorry for that.  I’ve been totally honest and transparent.  Writing these emails to you guys is so therapeutic for me, so thank you for being there for me.  There are so many positive aspects of my life and I recognize the many privileges, blessings and good things I have.  

Good job with Fall D and all of your contributions at work!  I hope the new building is an inspirational space.  You all are wonderful people,


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