Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Masaya, Nicaragua with Jimmy & my parents, Day 2

Today Jimmy and I took my parents to Masaya, which is a little city that is famous for their art market because most of the crafts are made in that area. The art market is located inside an old ruin and it is the size of a city block. We spent 4 hours walking up and down the lanes and returned to many shops to buy gifts and memories. My mother went absolutely crazy and smiled the whole time. When we left the market, we took a horse carriage taxi, and both of my parents loved it. My mother was laughing and clapping because she got such a kick out of the two horse carriage. Today was a cultural experience for my parents because we traveled on a normal Nicaraguan bus, which is a US school bus that was probablly condemed there over 30 years ago. Upon arriving to the bus terminal in Masaya, we turned into a soccer field sized lote of mud that stored around 100 (school) buses. We saw some shantytowns neighborhoods with tin shacks that brought tears to my eyes. The poverty in Nicaragua is so obvious and everywhere that it never ceases to shock me. There is trash everywhere and people just throw their garbage out of the bus window. It is so different here.

Nicaragua is having electricity and water shortages, so we often are without both. I just took my first shower after arriving early yesterday, and it is 6pm right now. In Masaya, they do not have electricity or running water between 7am and 2pm, and Granada has a later schedule, so I realize what a priveledge it is to have constant electricity and running water in the sink, toilet and shower.

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