Wednesday, May 31, 2006

My knee surgery

Last week I went to see Dr Blandon with Jimmy to make the final plans for my knee surgery that will occur on August 7th at 7:00am. It will be a day surgery and it will be an arthoscopic procedure. The diagnosis is "Condronalosis." It will cost $1550 without insurance, with a deposit of $700 on the day of the surgery. Included in this price was my appt last night and three follow-up sessions. Dr Blandon will work with his partner and three other nurses, along with an anesthesiologist. The anestheiologist will put a shot in my spine to put my legs to sleep. I will be awake and observational for the surgery and it should last 40 minutes, with an approximate hospital recovery time of 1 hour. I will not wear a brace or need to walk with crutches. Dr Blandon said I will be bedrested for 2 days and then I will need to start physical therapy at my gym intensly. He believes I could be running within 2 weeks of the surgery, if all goes well. Dr Blandon and his partner and very confident this planned surgery will help me and they truely feel this is the best option for my knee.

Dr Blandon believes my pain is being caused by my loose tendon. My kneecap is extremely loose and it floats on top of my knee, so he wants to fix the tendon and tighten up my kneecap. He hopes to repair the hole on the outside of my knee and realign my kneecap, thus there is a definate plan and it is not exploratory. He thinks this will help my knee by making my tendon funcional again. There will be no involvement of the ligaments, cartilage, bones or the bursa sack. He does not predict any nerve damange or loss of skin sensation. Dr Blandon says this is a very low risk surgery and there is an extremely small chance of infection. There should be little pain afterwards, and no major medication will be needed. I will need to ice my knee regularly and I will be able to shower normally, making sure to wash my entire leg really well all the time. After the surgery, I should be better.

Until then, live normally and try to really build up my left leg muscles to prevent major atrophy. I have faith that Dr Blandon and his partner will make me better. I am tranquila and hopeful.

Thank you for your support, encouragement and love! I want to give special thanks to Jimmy for his unconditional dedication to helping me with my knee situation. And to my brother Patrick & my momma for helping me create a question list for the doctor. And to my dad for helping me with logistical matters. Gracias!

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