From: Susan
Sent: Friday, September 27, 2019 2:01 PM
Subject: RE: questions
Sent: Friday, September 27, 2019 2:01 PM
Subject: RE: questions
There’s one more point
I want to make.
Am I getting
better? Yes. It is slow and more of a month to month
measurement. I compare where I am now compared to June and July and I can
see improvements. I compare where I am now compared to August and I don’t
feel too many improvements. But, I am not bed-bound and in pain 24/7
anymore (knock on wood). I get up each day and the pain comes and
goes. The intensity of the pain is still pretty bad when it hits now, but
I am just going to say that it’s less than in June and July. So, am I
improving? Yes. I am. And I eagerly await the ability to
respond, “good,” to the common question,
“How are you?”
From: Susan
Sent: Friday, September 27, 2019 11:48 AM
Subject: questions
Sent: Friday, September 27, 2019 11:48 AM
Subject: questions
I debated this week
about sending an update email because I do not have much that’s new to
say. Yet, I feel writing helps me articulate my thoughts and brings
I am still sick.
I am still struggling with this Ramsay Hunt Syndrome. It is such a
confusing illness. I have moments where I feel okay and then the illness
hits me. The irregularity of the pain now makes me wonder if the virus is
still active and has moments of attack or if the medicines are mostly masking
the pain. The uncertainty of each day and my future is something that’s
hard to grasp.
I went to the
Neurologist last Thur. His name is Dr. Justin Moon and he’s on the Porter
Hospital campus. He won Denver’s #1 Neurologist in 2018 and he worked at
the Mayo Clinic previously, so that’s reassuring. I let him know that I
still deal with the pain and so he added in another medicine. Thus, on
top of taking the full dose of Gralise (1800mg, ugh), I am now taking Oxcarbazepine
two times a day. Both of these medicines are basically nerve inhibitors
and are prescribed for nerve damage and pain. He had also prescribed some
bloodwork and one text came back with a high flag. My TPO was 100 and the
range is 0-30, so that shows I have a lot of antibodies fighting against my
thyroid. My left eye has also been hurting now too for about two weeks
and my vision is blurry. So, Dr. Moon referred me to an optometrist and
endocrinologist. I return to Dr. Moon on 10/10.
I’ve yet to schedule
the optometrist nor endocrinologist. I have doctor fatigue. I have
appointment fatigue. I have fatigue of managing the logistics of this
illness with the insurance, doctors, appointments, FMLA, long-term disability. I’m
exhausted of dealing with this RHS.
Weirdly enough, I’m
cycling through the stages of grief with this illness. I rotate through
shock, negotiation, denial and acceptance. I’ve felt denial this
week. I mean, how can I have Ramsay Hunt Syndrome!?? How is it
possible I have an illness no one has ever heard of? How is this my life
now? How in the world did I get this very rare illness? Why won’t
the pain go away? Do I really have RHS? Why can’t I go back to
work? How do I have RHS? Why is the pain still so bad? How am
I taking so many medicines? AHHH!
Also this week, I’ve
gotten so mad when I feel the pain. The pain is making me so mad! I
scream at the pain to go away, to leave me alone. I don’t want this
Logistically, I’m now
on unpaid time-off and my long-term disability was approved. I have FMLA
until 10/25.
My family is
good. Jimmy has been so caring. My boys have been so
understanding. My parents have been so dedicated. My brothers have
been so loving. My friends have been so nice. I am surrounded by
support. I give thanks abundantly for all this love.
To fill my time, I’ve
been watching movies about presidents. I just watched a documentary about
Nixon, which is perfect timing for what’s going on w/ Trump right now.
Global, please
don’t give up on me. Please believe in me. Know that I am trying to
get better. I want to return to work. I am taking the medicines and
vitamins. I am resting. I am going to yoga. I am doing all I
can to heal and recover. I want to be healthy. I want this illness
to be in my past. I miss you, all of
you. You all are a light for me that shines bright. Keep the faith
that I will return to you all.
So, Sept is about over
and we’re on to October on Tuesday. May this month be good to all of us,