Monday, October 15, 2007

Diary, October 14

The intensity of these past few days has been beyond words. With only 2 days and 3 nights left in Costa Rica, I am feeling overwhelmed. Not only am I leaving a place that I love and I can now call home after 3 years of living here, I am also supporting my husband Jimmy during his first experience of leaving home. And on top of everything, I am learning about pregnancy.

My last day at the Costa Rica Center was Wednesday the 10th and it was a very nice day. Since the students had seen me eating dulce de leche filled donuts lately, they gave me a dozen donuts with trick candles in them. They clapped for me and gave me the nicest homemade card. My supervisor Sarah and my co-worker Shanti took me out to eat lunch at my favorite Aroma y Café, and I realized that I made incredible friendships with my co-workers. I left the COS with a smile and tears in my eyes, and I forgot to turn-in my keys.

On Thursday, Jimmy & I went for my first ultra-sound. Even though we had a very bad experience with the clinic and the doctor, the good news is that the baby is OK. Showing up at 10:45 for my 11:00 appointment and finally seeing the doctor at 12:30 was extremely upsetting for me, since I felt like I was going to faint the majority of the time in the waiting room. The doctor did not even introduce himself and he did not explain anything during the entire process, but he did say that the baby looks fine and that it is 3 ½ centimeters long. We heard the heart beat and we received the 4D photographs, along with a DVD of the entire ultra-sound. So yes, there is only one baby.

In the afternoon on Thursday, my dear friend Laura, who is a dentist, cleaned my teeth for free.

On Friday, we went to Immigration to put my residency on hold until we move back. I finally got my residency, after many years, months, weeks, appointments, documents, translations, bank deposits, lines and patience. So, I suspended it and I hope I can re-activate it in a couple/few years. That night, Jimmy and I went to Doña Sara and Don Carlos´ house for dinner. They really took us under their wing and helped me in so many ways over the past few years, and I am grateful to them because they were my surrogate parents here.
Now that Jimmy & I are in our last few days here, everyone wants to see us. Thus, on Saturday, Jimmy & I went to Daphne’s for lunch. Even though Daphne and I just recently became good friends in April, we bonded quickly because the birth of her baby and my pregnancy united us. Then, Jimmy went to play indoor 5v5 soccer for the last time with his college friends. Afterwards, Jimmy & I went to dinner at our favorite Pan e Vino with Chicho and Gustavo.

Today, Sunday, Jimmy & I actually started to pack, which is hard for me because I tire so easily and I cannot really lift heavy objects. And then, we went to his mother’s house. When I arrived, everyone jumped out and said “Sorpresa!” The room was decorated with baby stuff and there were gifts on the table. They planned a baby shower for me and it was so wonderful because everyone helped out to make the occasion so special. After eating a delicious lunch, the entire family sat around in a circle and EVERYone talked, and EVERYone cried. It was a very difficult experience because we are all in pain due to our departure, but at the same time we are all happy because Jimmy & I are making a positive change. His family told me the kindest words, like thank you and I love you. I realized how important it was to have the wedding here in Costa Rica because the Lopez family could see how amazing the Smith family is, and vice versa. So, Jimmy’s family told me that they are happy because they know that I am a good person and I come from a fantastic family, and we are going to take good care of Jimmy. We all hugged, and we all cried. EVERYone. We stood in a circle, held hands, and prayed out loud. We prayed for strength, we prayed for success for Jimmy & I, we prayed for peace, we prayed for the baby, and we prayed to see each other again soon. This is the first time that anyone in Jimmy’s family is leaving, (except for refuging, but that is a whole different situation), and it is very hard for such a united family to let go, but we all know that Jimmy & I will visit often. Jimmy’s little nieces and nephew sobbed and begged him not to go, which was heart-breaking, especially since I used to do the same thing when I was little with my brothers and my little nieces and nephew have cried for me when I left them many times. And Jimmy’s mom cried very hard and referred to Jimmy & me as three. Even through the tears, the Lopez family blessed us and recognized the faith we need to have because Jimmy & I are going to be OK. The Lopez family is an extremely special family and I give so many thanks that they love me and that I love them.

Leaving is very sad, because goodbyes hurt and recognizing what we love most about a place is melancholic. I made a very good life for myself here in Costa Rica. I came alone and now I am leaving with my husband and a baby on the way. I had 2 outstanding jobs here, I regularly went to the gym, I taught yoga classes, I made friends, I figured out how to understand directions, I learned where to go to buy whatever, I immersed myself in another political democracy, I traveled around Latin America, I improved my Spanish language capabilities and I grew. I feel at home in Heredia, Costa Rica and I know I’ll be back. I have family here. I have roots here. My first baby was made here.

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