Tuesday, January 30, 2007

THE News

Jimmy and I were married on Friday, January 26th, 2007. After exactly two years and five months of living together in Costa Rica, we signed the papers and we are now legally married. With Jimmy's brother Allan and our friend Chicho as our witnesses, the Lopez's family lawyer performed a nice little ceremony and pronounced us HUSBAND and WIFE.

We are planning a wedding in the month of July for our close friends and family.

Our marriage process is not tradiational, yet we are doing it this way because we are currently applying for the marriage visa so we can move to the United States. The marriage visa is long and hard, and it could take up to a year. Thus, we are starting now in hopes of moving to Colorado as soon as we can.

We went on our honey moon this weekend to the Arenal Volcano area, and it was perfect. We rented a car and stayed in a very nice hotel called
Lavas Tacotal, with a perfect view of the active volcano from our bed. At night we could lay in our bed and see the red lava rivers flowing down the volcano flanks less than 1 miles away. It was possible to hear the volcanic explosions, which sounded like thunder. We went hiking in the National Park, soaked in natural hot springs and climed down to a huge waterfall. We are very blessed, privledged and thankful.

So, now I am Mrs. Susana Elizabeth Smith de Lopez, wife of Jimmy Gabriel Lopez Lopez. We are very happy, content and peaceful.

To see ALL of our pictures from our marriage and honey moon digital photo album, please click here.

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