Monday, August 14, 2006

My Knee Surgery

I am doing OK.

The surgery was a success, according to the doctor. He did not follow the original plan though. When he opened up my knee, he found a hernia sack inside. So he cut out that bad, yellow tissue instead of fixing my tendon. The doctor believes that will relieve pressure and pain. While I was asleep during the surgery, I had an alergic reaction to some pain medicine, and a large raised rash formed all over my body, so they pumped me full of even more medicine.

I was put to sleep for the surgery, by choice, and I had a strong reaction to the anesthesia. It was hard for me to wake up and then I fainted when the first put me in the wheel chair after my hour of recovery time. Thus, I had to wait two more hours before they released me from the hospital.

I am so thankful for Jimmys mother because she was with me the whole time, since she is a nurse at that hospital. She took very good care of me! The first thing I heard when I woke up was her voice. She changed my clothes. She caught my head when I fainted. She lifted me back onto the bed. She spoon-fed me tea. She held my hand and prayed with me.

I threw-up tea the whole taxi ride home in Jimmys arms.

I am very grateful for Jimmy and my dear friend Patricia for taking such good care of me over the past few days. They cooked good for me, kept fresh ice on my knee, carried me to the bathroom and watched movies with me. I do not know what I would have done without them.

So now the physical therapy part begins. I just started to walk today, slowly. I go back to the doctor on Tuesday to get my stitches taken out, and then I will start to go to the gym everyday for PT.

I am OK. My knee is very swollen and the surgery video showed the large amount of work and cutting that was done inside.

Slowly but surerly.

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