I have many good things
to share that give hope that I am finally on the up and up.
Of the nine pills that
the doctors have prescribed for me, I am down to only taking three a day.
That’s good.
I can now do every
posture in yoga classes. That’s good.
I got a MRI of my brain
with contrast on Monday and it came back normal. I had more blood work on
Tuesday and it came back normal. That’s good.
We went to Mt Princeton
Hot Springs last week and I soaked in the mineral waters for 16 hours over four
days with the hopes of being healed. That’s good.
I started taking
magnesium vitamins to promote my muscular recovery in my face. That’s
I cooked my three
traditional dishes for Thanksgiving and we went to my parent’s to eat with my
whole family. That’s good.
I continue to go to the
chiro and acupuncture each week. That’s good.
I started seeing a
health professional weekly through zHealth who gives me drills to do every day
that’s like physical therapy for my nervous system. That’s good.
I experimented with
getting three lidocaine injections in my upper left back two weeks ago to
reduce swelling and pain with the hopes it would calm down my left neck, ear
and head. I think it helped and so I went again yesterday and got five
shots this time, which I think have helped too. That’s good.
The holidays are upon
us and the time of giving, excitement and Christmas music lifts my
spirits. That’s good.
I still tire very
easily and so I still give myself lots of rest time during the day and plenty
of sleep time during the night. That’s good.
I got a TENS unit
(electrical nerve stimulation) and I’ve been using it on my upper left back
& neck to treat pain and encourage nerve regeneration. That’s good.
I’ve played a lot of
Backgammon, chess and other card games lately with Philip and he now can
honestly beat me. That’s good.
Jimmy leaves on Thur
for Costa Rica for a week alone to see his family and to take a break.
That’s good.
I feel less pain now,
the pain is less when I feel it and it lasts for less time. That’s good,
really good, great actually!!!
I admit I still do not
understand how I have Ramsay Hunt Syndrome. I’ve had several medical
tests and every one had normal results. Yet, the partial facial paralysis
and debilitating pain for several months have no other medical
conclusion. What else could I have? Why did this happen to
me? I’ve accepted that many of my questions will go unanswered. I
just don’t know what happened to my body back in mid-June that caused me so
many health issues.
My goal this month is
to strengthen myself physically and mentally. That’s good.
I’m thinking of a
potential return date of 1.7.20 for me to come back to you all. (My boys
don’t have school on 1.6.20 and I want to start working when I can fully focus
on me.) After being so sick and being out for so long, I’m wondering if I
could return to work with a 30 hour a week schedule for a month or so. Is
this possible? It would be good for me.
I am grateful
for my employment at CSU Global. That’s good.
I give thanks for you
four and y’all allowing me
to email you with my updates.
So, am I finally on the
up and up? I sure hope so. It’s been six months and I am so ready
to be strong, healthy and happy again.
I wish you all safe and
healthy holidays this December 2019,