Friday, June 30, 2006

San Fransisco Highlights


-Going to China town and tricking Jimmy into sticking his fingers in a chinese finger trap, and laughing as he tried to get his fingers out while saying "Oh Sh*t."

-Welcoming our dear friend Elizabeth Balten to the trip.

-Watching Jimmy's reaction to seeing sealions and seals at Fisherman's Warf.

-Traveling across the Golden Gate Bridge to go to some beaches and redwood forests.

-Drinking chai everyday.

-Throwing the frisbee in some city parks.

-Riding our bikes throughout the city.


Critical Mass

Today's afternoon was Critical Mass, a peaceful protest bike-ride tradition in San Francisco every last Friday of the month. So, Jimmy, Elizabeth, Mathews and I rode bikes with about 2000 other screaming people and it was sooo fun. We went all around the city in World Cup jersies representing different countries, and Jimmy & I wore Costa Rica shirts. Police came and shut down the streets for the bikers and it was great. The purpose? Share the Road AND Impeach Bush!!!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

My work trip to New York

Hello from Brooklyn, NY!

This has been, maybe, the busiest week of my life! I do not believe I have ever thought and worked so hard even in college as I did this week at work and during my exploring adventures in this gigantic city. I feel so stimulated, challenged, and inspired after this intense, full and overwhelming week. This week in New York was a positive experience for me because I learned so much on every level possible.

I am now officially the Admissions Counsilor at the Latin American Center (in Costa Rica) for the Friends World Program of Long Island University! Hurray for me because this job is exactly what I want to be doing right now with this institution, and this job is heading me down the kind of carreer path that I want to follow. I have know for awhile that I want to work as a leader in the administrative part of an upper-education institution, but I have struggled to find my place because I do not think I am a disciplined academic. I believe I have an emotional intellegence that shines through my hard work and my ability to socialize professionally with people. Thus, my new job of calling and emailing potential students in the USA from Costa Rica and guiding them through their college decisions is an oustanding position for me. This 20 hour position will have me working 2-10pm on Wed and Thur and all day on Saturday, then my other 20 hours will be 8:30am - 4pm on Tues and Fri as the Academic Assistant & Translator. I am so excited and I know I will do a great job.

This week at work, not only did I attend curriculum building workshops, I also received training on PodCasting, Electronic Portfolios, Databases, Assessment Tests, four-year development progression plans for alternative education. I learned about the dynamic and complicated systems of organization for a large, private university.

And besides working like crazy every single day, I had so much FUN in New York. I went out every single night and explored this huge city at great length and depth. Many nights I went out with my co-workers to places such as Union Square, Washington Park, China Town, Little Italy, Park Slope, Times Square, Ground Zero, Central Park, Wall Street, where John Lennen was shot, Carnigie Hall, Prospect Park and soooo much more. I have eaten food from so many countries: Indian, Thai, Greek, NY Pizza, Italian Gelato, Turkish, Meditterranean, Sushi, organic vegi buffet and lots of ice cream. I am absolutely fascinated with this city and I am dazzled by the subway system.

A highlight of this week was a final work dinner at a co-worker's house, who lives in the White House Apartments, right on the border of Central Park. She lives on one of the top floors and she has the most spectacular view of the Manhattan skyline and all of Central Park. I have never been in such a fancy home and it was a very luxurious experience.

Another highlight is a free summer concert I attended in Prospect Park to see Maceo Phillips, the original saxaphonist for James Brown, and Prince surprised the crowd with a final oncore.

The saddest highlight was my visit to Ground Zero. I cried. Really, there are two big holes and all of the surrounding buildings have not strucurally recovered yet. There is plans to build the Freedom Tower and a beautiful waterfall memorial. I saw more toursists at Ground Zero than anywhere else, and no one smiled. Silence.

This week has been so good for and I feel personally transformed. And exausted. I am ready to return to Costa Rica and I am motivated to start my new position. I am so happy.

In conclusion, I love New York and I love the Friends World Program!